Thursday, December 22, 2011

Brandi's Top 10 Tips for a Happier Life

1. LOVE Unconditionally: Love God or whatever higher power you believe in, love yourself, love your family, love your friends, love those you do not like, and love strangers. (Loving a person does not mean you have to LIKE their actions.)

2. PRAY daily. Pray for all the people you love, and pray that you can be a blessing to others. If you are a blessing to others around you, you will receive a blessing as well!

3. LIVE life to its fullest. We are not guaranteed tomorrow so live for today! Do not put off things that you could do or say to others that could make a difference. If you have to opportunity to do something you have always wanted to do- do it!

4. TELL the people you love that you love them. You may not have the opportunity to tell them tomorrow. If you have a problem with someone, tell them immediately instead of telling everyone else. Life is too short to hold on to bitterness. The feelings you have may simply be a misunderstanding that could be cleared up quickly and easily.

5. LISTEN to what others have to say. God gave us two ears and one mouth; I do not think this is merely a coincidence. There is a wealth of knowledge all around us, and it would be a shame to miss an important message because we could not hear it over ourselves.

6. BE THANKFUL for what you have instead of always wanting what you don’t have. If you constantly want what you don’t have you will never truly be able to be happy. Count your blessings instead of counting other's blessings.

7. LEARN something new every day. There are unlimited sources around us that can teach us important lessons. You don’t have to be a student in a school or college to learn just be a student in life.

8. GIVE as often as you can. You do not have to give anything that costs money. A simple hand written letter can be the greatest gift a person could receive. The gift of time is also something that cannot be replaced.

9. HELP those around you that are worse off than you. Volunteering at a homeless shelter or donating to local charities will keep you in the Holiday spirit all year long. No matter how bad your situation is, remember there is always someone else who has it worse.

10. TIME for yourself is important. It is important to make time for the things you enjoy in life. Sometimes a little quiet time and a bubble bath can be so therapeutic. You cannot take care of others if you cannot take care of yourself.

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